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Old 02-17-2014, 09:19 AM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
There are plenty more people than Martin who are offended.

And referring to it as political correctness just makes you look more ridiculous than usual.
Of course, it's political correctness. What do you think the whole "Redskins" thing is about? What do you think all this media lovefest over Michael Sam is about? What do you think the NFL dresses up all in pink for an entire friggin month is about? It's kissing ass of every minority group out there so that none of them feels offended so they don't picket outside stadiums, take the NFL to court, vote against their publicly-funded stadiums or reduce the NFL's earning power in any way.

What's even more ridiculous is that the NFL is probably 70% African-American and yet they still have to cloak themselves in all this PC garbage.

Words in a locker room. That's all the Dolphins thing is about. I went to high school in Houston in a mixed-race environment in the early 1970s and there were whites (even coaches) who teased the blacks and blacks who teased the whites and if anyone was offended, we settled it out back behind the gym like men. But most of the time the teasing just allowed both of us to laugh with each other and bond as teammates.

We are a society now that is wound way too tight and way too eager to act offended at anything because there is political power in claiming victimhood. We've institutionalized political preference based on race, gender and sexual orientation which accomplishes just the opposite of the alleged goals of ending racism and sexism. They've now legally sanctioned it.

I'll end here since this is a football board.
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